恶武2kd5 [原创]残酷强奸美女杀人恶魔竟只关14年

世界奇闻 2023-03-25 11:48www.nkfx.cn世界奇闻


残酷强奸美女杀人恶魔居然只关14年要出来了 港独去英国吧慢走不送!




h1Grieving father's fury at being told daughter's unrepentant killer ho sexually assaulted and strangled her in a park could be released from prison after just 14 years/h1莫力克.罗查斯,39岁在1999年谋杀了年轻美丽的23岁公园清洁女工凯莉.斯特烈德。


Marrick Rogers, 39, murdered mother-of-one Claire Streader, 23, in 1999Her father Peter, 71, says he should remain in prison until he's at least 65Rogers still denies crime, despite his DNA being found on the body这个父亲,[face=Microsoft YaHei]彼得.斯特烈德认为这个残酷的谋杀案凶手至少应该关在监狱直到65岁![/face]

[face=Microsoft YaHei]很多英国人也支持这个想法,认为如果太早释放这个恐怖杀人强奸犯,一定会有很多女子会被再强奸和谋杀!



h1Grieving father's fury at being told daughter's unrepentant killer ho sexually assaulted and strangled her in a park could be released from prison after just 14 years/h1


Marrick Rogers, 39, murdered mother-of-one Claire Streader, 23, in 1999Her father Peter, 71, says he should remain in prison until he's at least 65Rogers still denies crime, despite his DNA being found on the body


24 November 2014可怕的是,现在这个强人狂就要被放出来了!嘿嘿,14年后又是一条大色狼!大恶魔!

A grieving father today spoke of his outrage his daughter's murderer could be released from prison - in the year she ould have turned 40.Peter Streader, 71, says Merrick Rogers, 39, ho sexually assaulted and murdered his 23-year-old daughter Claire in 1999, should remain in prison until he's at least 65.But he says officials have told him Rogers, ho still hasn't admitted the murder despite being convicted on DNA evidence, could be released soon.


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受害人的父亲Peter Streader, 71, says Merrick Rogers, 39, ho sexually assaulted and murdered his 23-year-old daughter Claire in 1999, should remain in prison until he's at least 65



凶手[face=Microsoft YaHei]莫力克.罗查斯 [/face]

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