While some people believe the idea of alien invasion is the stuff of science fiction, others fear it may be just around the corner, after a number of UFO (unidentified flying object) sightings ourred in China last month.
Airline pilots and several itnesses reported seeing "a huge spherical illuminant" in the sky above Beijing and Shanghai on August 20, reported China Daily. Then on August 25, some strange objects ere seen hovering above Xi’an for hours, aording to a nes program by Shaanxi Television.
People have claimed UFO sightings around the orld for centuries, and there are still more questions than ansers.
The United States is a particular center for alien spotting. Former American presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter both reportedly sa UFOs.
In 1952, the US Air Force began Project Blue Book, a study program on UFOs. Hoever, in 1969 the government officially ended the program, stating that the incidents posed no threat and there as no evidence of space aliens.
Private UFO research anizations have since taken on the task of providing the American public ith the means to report UFO encounters.
Mutual UFO Netork (MUFON) is one of the largest private UFO researchers in the US. Aording to Roger Marsh, director of munications for MUFON, the anization collected 14 UFO reports from Ne York in July.
Hoever, ith their shoestring budgets, these nongovernmental anizations can do little more than collect reports.
In 2007, a panel of experts called on the US government to resume UFO investigations through the US Air Force or NASA.
The US Air Force, hoever, insisted: "Since the termination of Project Blue Book, nothing has ourred that ould support a resumption of UFO investigations".
The British government also tries to keep quiet UFO sightings because of "a lack of funds" to deal ith them, said former Ministry of Defense UFO Project chief Nick Pope.
"We ere trying to do to things," he told the Huffington Post in August. "Either kill any media story on the subject, or if a media story ran, ensure that it ran in such a ay that it ould make the subject seem ridiculous and that it ould make people ho ere interested in this seem ridiculous."
Even so, UFO sightings keep ing - even in the UK. In April, police in the Welsh ton of Dyfed-Poys revealed that 14 UFO sightings had been reported in the past five years - as ell as 26 ghosts, 11 itches, to zombies and to vampires.
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