PARIS – Scientists examining the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte admit they are “deeply puzzled” by the discovery of a half-inch long microchip embedded in his skull.
巴黎 - 检验拿破仑波拿巴遗体的科学家承认他们是“深感困惑”,由于在他的头骨发现嵌入了一条半英寸长的微型晶片(如图)。
They say the mysterious object could be an alien implant – suggesting that the French emperor as once abducted by a UFO!
他们说,神秘的物体可能是一种外星人植入物 - 表明法国的统治者曾一度被UFO绑架!
“The possible ramifications of this discovery are almost too enormous to prehend,” declared Dr. Andre Dubois, ho made the astonishing revelation in a French medical journal.
“Until no, every indication has been that victims of alien abduction are ordinary people ho play no role in orld events.
“No e have pelling evidence that extraterrestrials acted in the past to influence human history – and may continue to do so!”
“但现在我们有令人信服的证据,证明外星人在过去的行动足以影响人类历史 - 并可能继续这样做!”
Dr. Dubois made the amazing find hile studying Napoleon’s exhumed skeleton on a $140,000 grant from the French government.
“I as hoping to learn hether he suffered from a pituitary disorder that contributed to his small stature,” he explained.
But instead the researcher found something far more extraordinary: “As I examined the interior of the skull, my hand brushed across a tiny protrusion.
“I then looked at the area under a magnifying glass – and as stunned to find that the object as some kind of super-advanced microchip.”
“然后我用放大镜看该区域 - 发现的东西引致我呆在当地,该物体是某种超先进的微晶片。”pj.quimaira..ar/ (复制粘贴到浏览器打开)
From the extent of bone groth around the chip, the expert believes it as implanted hen Bonaparte as young.
“Napoleon vanished from sight for a period of several days in July 1794, hen he as 25. He later claimed he’d been held prisoner during the Themidorian coup – but no record of that arrest exists. I believe that is hen the abduction took place.”
From that time on, Napoleon’s rise as meteoric. By the next year, he’d been put in charge of the French army in Italy.
Miraculously, he as able to transform starving, rag-tag troops into a -notch fighting force and to crush the Italians.
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