I am serious and responsible, proactive, pay attention to coordination, good team ork, strong adaptability, has been more than 2 years of PE engineers orking experience. In more than 2 years of ork, through a variety of ork practice and the pany provided by the good orking knoledge training, I have aumulated a lot of experience in the production orkshop in the ne product development stage, the production of products and fixtures, etc., and also to improve their ability in engineering softare. I am able to use the AUTOCAD/CorelDra/office.ERP system, and the other is the basis of PRO/E and PHOTOSHOP.
I am kind, confident, self-discipline, self-motivated, strong anization and management skills. Responsible, responsible, illing to take the responsibility, can quickly aept ne knoledge and quickly adapt to the ne environment, ith good team spirit ith good personal affinity. Good prehensive quality, ith the condition of pound talents.
Have rich experience in team building and expansion and project management and project management and project management. Familiar ith the production process; familiar ith the production of documentary ork flo. Familiar ith the procedures of handling staff leave, ne employees and all kinds of personnel, the management of ork attendance, the collection and management of all kinds of documents, production scheduling, management, production scheduling, quality management, production, collection, production and chart, all kinds of forms and labels.
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