Due to the rapid development of munication ork, the number of Chinese smartphone users has gron at an alarming rate in recent years. This has dramatically changed the ays of reading for many people. They no often read nes and articles on their smartphones instead of buying traditional nespapers. The development of a large number of mobile applications enables people to read novels and other forms of literature orks on their mobile phones. Therefore, the sale of paper books has been affected. But the survey shos that despite the steady groth of the mobile phones’ reading market, more than half of adults still like to read paper books.
2018年12月四级翻译真题一共包含5句话,读完整个段落,我们发现其描述的是现如今一种普遍存在的现象,所以,在翻译的过程中,广大考生选取一般现在时便可。确定完时态后,接下来我们要做的便是精简结构,具体如下:①由于......的......发展,......数量......增长。②这......改变了......的......方式。③他们......,而不......。④......使人们能......⑤因此,......的......受到了影响。⑥但......,尽管......,......仍......。掌握了上述结构之后,广大考生需要做的便是将段落中涉及的词汇进行翻译,再结合具体实际采用不同的结构进行表述,最终呈现出完整的文章。“由于”一词的翻译我们通常采用“due to”比较地道,“通信网络”一词是计算机科学技术领域的专有名词,译为“munication ork”,“以惊人的速度增长”的常用表达是“at an alarming rate”。掌握了以上这些关键点后,权衡好语句的表述重心,完整地译出整句话便不成难题。接下来的几句话中涉及的词汇并不是很难,只要大家平时广泛阅读,勤奋积累,完全可以应对上述词汇的翻译。文都教育要给大家强调的是,接下来几句话的翻译中,大家尤其要注意的是句子中、句与句之间逻辑关系的翻译,比如“而不”“因此”“但”等的翻译,广大考生一定要在自己的译文中有所体现,避免因为逻辑关系词的翻译缺失导致失分。
Chinese families place a great premium on their children’s education. The majority of parents hold that they should ork hard to ensure that their children can get a good education. Not only are they illing to invest in children’s education, but also they spend plenty of time urging them to learn. Meanhile, most of them ant their children to go to prestigious universities. Due to the reform and opening up, an increasingly number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate the international exchange programs to broaden their horizons. Through these efforts, they anticipate that their children can gro up healthily and make contributions to the development and prosperity of our nation.
1. 十分重视 place great premium on; pay more attention to;attach great importance to
2. 努力工作 ork hard; endeavor to ork
3. 名牌大学 a prestigious university; a famous university
4. 改革开放 reform and opening up
5. 国际交流项目 international exchange programs
6. 拓宽视野 broaden one’s horizon
7. 国家的发展和繁荣 the development and prosperity of the nation
It is a Chinese tradition to have a family reunion dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. The reunion dinner is the most important dinner of the year and the best time for family reunion, especially for families living in different places. The dishes served at the reunion dinner are rich and varied, some of hich have special meanings. Fish, for example, is an indispensable dish, because the Chinese ord for fish (鱼) sounds the same as the ord for surplus (余). In many parts of China, dumplings are also an important delicacy because they symbolize ealth and good luck.
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