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凯思琳·拜荣(Kathleen Byron),女,演员,1921年1月11日出生于英国伦敦。星座: 摩羯座生卒日期: 1921-01-11 至 2009-01-18更多外文名: Kathleen El
凯思琳·拜荣(Kathleen Byron),女,演员,1921年1月11日出生于英国伦敦。星座: 摩羯座生卒日期: 1921-01-11 至 2009-01-18更多外文名: Kathleen Elizabeth Fell (本名)Kathleen Byron trained for the stage at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, beginning her ork in the movies soon after she finished her training. Her early ork ith Michael Poell made her name in the UK. She ent to Hollyood in the 1940s and 50s but found it difficult to break into the US productions. Mainly because although everyone greatly adm    


中文名凯思琳·拜荣出生日期1921-01-11 逝世日期2009-01-18职    业演员......

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